Best Mac App For Academic Writing

Lesley McCollum is PhD student in neuroscience at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. You can follow her on Twitter @lesleyamccollum. I’m writing this post in Microsoft Word. Chances are, it’s where you do a lot of your writing as well. It’s easy, convenient, familiar, and gets the job done for simple text documents.

There are a lot of great features to MS Word if you want to (or have to) stick with it for your writing. If so, check out our by Hanna on quick tricks for formatting in Word. Some tasks call for a bit more than a basic word processor, though. If you’ve ever spent too many frustrating hours trying to format a Word document with multiple tables and figures (why does my figure keep moving halfway off the page?!), then you will likely agree that it’s not always the best to work with.

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The Best Software for Writing Your Dissertation. Check out this great, detailed article on why you should use LaTeX for writing your dissertation. Windows, Mac OS X, Linux/Unix. Check out this ProfHacker article on the values of Scrivener for academic writing. Look no further than our list of the best Mac apps available around the internet, from excellent productivity tools to social media apps, entertainment, and security software! Experience the.

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Best Mac App For Academic Writing

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As I embark on the dissertation-writing journey, I have been looking for an alternative to MS Word that is up for the job—something that can handle a large multi-chaptered document with robust formatting options. The ideal software would be cheap (preferably free), fairly quick and painless to learn, and compatible with a reference/citation manager. One barrier to changing software is that my mentor likes using MS Word to edit my documents with the track changes feature. So a bonus would be that files could easily be converted to.docx to ease sending them to my PI for reviews.